Café Sunlight
At Sunlight Development Trust, we believe that skills, resources and meaningful experience exist within communities. We help people identify their needs and aspirations, exert influence on the decisions which affect their lives and improve their mental health.
Café Sunlight is run by volunteers and members of the local community. It provides training, personal development and meaningful experience in a real workplace for people who might not otherwise receive it. Some of our volunteers have additional needs, some are at risk of social exclusion, and some are coming back into the job market after a long absence. We seek to show how volunteering can be used as a tool for social change, to improve life chances, and empower marginalised people.
To learn more about the work of the café and volunteering opportunities please call 01634 581511 and ask for Sandra, or email us by clicking here.
NB the email link above should open your default email app, if it doesn’t you can email us at