Medway Women in Sheds
Medway Women in Sheds is a brand new project which seeks to bring women who may be experiencing social isloation together to share skills, tools and conversation. At Medway Women in Sheds you’ll be able to establish new networks in a safe and friendly place, with your friends or on your own, knowing that you’ll make new friends there!
For decades, the shed has been a traditionally male domain, but women around the country are now conquering their backyards and creating space for themselves. For an increasing number of women this is the solution to finding solace without having to go far.
Medway Women in Sheds will be whatever Medway women want it to be. We’re open to ideas, suggestions and recommendations. The most important goal of the project is to establish of a safe, single-sex environment for women who may be experiencing isolation to socialise, make new friends and maybe learn a new skill!
for more information and to refer a client or self refer, please visit Medway Women in Sheds – Joy